Envie d'être en vie - molding, resin, sef-portrait - La Chartreuse - 2013 - Photo, Alex Nollet / Produced with the help of the Hérault departure

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La Chartreuse, portail de la Valfenière, 2013

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Portail de la Valfenière, Photo. Alex Nollet, La Chartreuse - 2013


Detail - Envie d'être en vie - molding, resin - La Chartreuse - 2013 - Photo, Alex Nollet

My double in resin, sat, the swinging feet, scatterbrained, the nape of the neck in tension, waits for the rain or for the good weather. Perched at the top of an old building or of a building, this installation calls on to its environment: the sky, the clouds and the cheek of the contrast: livened up(led), inanimate. The sculpture as the architecture challenge the nature, question it. As the presence of this body congealed in the space and the time which sends back(dismisses) to the being and to its essence: its gravity, its duration, its consciousness


Envie d'Etre en vie - molding of Lili in resin on a toboggan covered with sand, Domaine d'O, Montpellier - 2007

Produced with the help of the Hérault departure

Lili is a character acted by Elisa Fantozzi.

She thinks of butterflies and flowers to fall asleep and dream. At the limit of an exceptionally gifted child and a woman in full knowledge of the facts, Lili wants to give aplomb and the desire of getting through the limits..

She finds herself casted in resin having a rest, making the hung pig or hit in the arms of Jesus.

Lili, for the desire to grow up !

Marie Van Hame





